over bar or bat mitva
what is how old a nazir needs to be
guieded the mishkan to be built
who is Moshe Rabbeno?
best oil for the menora
what is olive oil
sick,unable to make the trip or impure
what are the reasons why someone cannot poerform the first korban
birkat hakohanim evreyday
what is in Isreal?
grapes, wine,alchohol, grpe juice, rasins,anything grape flavor
what are the things a nazir cannot eat?
month the mishkan was dedicated to
what is nisan
date of channuka
what is 25 of kislev
date of pesach sheni
what is 14th of iyar
birkat hakohanim only on holdidays
when are ashkanazim only allowed to do birkat
takes a vow from the torah
what is a nazir
long skiny thing that was made in the mishkan for channuka
what is a menora?
the parsha we read on chanukka
what is parsha naso
day perscribed for korban pasach
what is the day before passach
hashem is protecting the jews from
someone who is also impure from a dead body
what is a kohen?
they are anctious and eager to give donations to the mishkan becsue they did not last time
oily foods such as latkeys donets ect
what are foods we eat on chanukka
the second passover
lifting of hands
what does birkat hakohanim mean?
shave or go to a funeral that is not there immediate family
what can nazir's cant?
like a wedding
how it was completing the mishkan?
the maccabees winning the war over the greeks
eating matza is a costume
something we do for passach sehni today
washed and removing their shoes
how the kahnim are to be when they perform the blessing