What Spades game is named "Checkmate?"
Queen of Spades
Who is the Queen of Hearts?
Mira Kano
What is the hardest Diamonds game?
King of Diamonds.
Who is the King of Clubs?
Ginji Kyuma
What was the first game in the series?
What category is Spades?
Physical or Teamwork
What game is 10 of Hearts?
Witch Hunt
What is the king of Diamonds name?
What category is clubs?
What is the final game?
Queen's Croquet
What Spades game does Heiya play?
Karube, Chota, Shibuki
What is Chishiyas first game?
3 of Diamonds, Blackjack
What game is the King of Clubs?
What game is the final game of phase 1?
Witch hunt
Who is the strongest Spade citizen?
King of Spades.
How they got to the Borderlands.
What category is Diamonds?
What difficulty is distance?
4 of Clubs
What game does Tatta die in?
What is the Queen of Spades real name?
Where did the 7 of Hearts game take place?
Botanical Garden
What game does Ann clear only in the books?
Queen of Diamonds
Who dies first in Kyuma's game?
Takumi Maki
How many games are there played by the main cast throughout the series?