Regional Public Universities
Interest Groups
Manipulating the Masses
Decision Making

How does First Amendment affect Faculty?

Faculty members (employed by public or private institutions of higher education) as citizens are protected by the First Amendment from governmental censorship and other governmental actions that infringe citizens ’ freedoms of speech, press, and association.


Why would it be a good thing to increase the Pell Grant? 

•Pell grant is considered need-based aid: given to students who indicate little income in wages 

•Current maximum Pell award: $7,395 annually

•AASCU’s proposal: $13,000 annually


What are some Higher Education Interest Groups?

so many but to many a few: 

American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)

American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC)

National Education Association (NEA)

Florida Education Association



Allows leaders to unite people who want different things. in early stages of movements, leaders are able to mask internal conflicts with vague language.

enables leaders to maneuver beyond public view and say they "did something" with broad ambiguous provisions. 



Judge actions by results

example "Cost benefit analysis", select the option with the greatest benefit or lesser evil. 


Bill of Rights and Due Process tie into what amendment? 

Fourteenth Amendment play a part in Higher Education Guarantee of procedural due process for when staff or faculty feel they have been wrongfully accused dismissed 

Extends the provisions of the Bill of Rights-guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual


What does educational quality have to do with Institutional Autonomy?

Institutional Autonomy allows public colleges to exercise primary academic judgment on educational matters.

freedom to determine who may teach, the freedom to determine what may be taught, the freedom to determine how the subject matter will be taught, and the freedom to determine who may be admitted to study

Allows for academic judgments about programmatic quality also referred to as “institutional academic freedom”


What is a paradox in interests representation? 

groups of people choose officials to speak for their best interests. Leaders would be speaking for their constituents in a public forum, but these leaders rarely know what the masses of their constituents need. 


How are "Stories" used as a political tool?

Policy problems have a narrative structure. they provide explanations of how the world works. 

Stories of change and stories of power can influence people.  



Judge actions by whether they correspond to enduring principles of "rightness"


How might the Fourth amendment protect or harm faculty and staff in Higher Education? 

Fourth Amendment search and seizure clause provides faculty members some protection for teaching and research materials, and other files that they keep in their offices.

If the writings or materials are stored on the hard drive of a computer that the institution the expectation of privacy and the Fourth Amendment protection will likely be less


True or False: A significant share of public college and university facilities were built to accommodate the baby-boom generation in the 1920s and 1950s—


A significant share of public college and university facilities were built to accommodate the baby-boom generation in the 1960s and 1970s

The average college building today is more than 50 years old—and these facilities need to be repaired, updated, or replaced to best serve students.


What is pluralism and how does it benefit society?

Multiple perspectives coexisting in a society is both inevitable and beneficial


Numbers, Tallying, Counting...what can be the issue? 

inclusion vs exclusion, counting suggest boundaries, implies privilege through selection of what you choose to count, and who chooses the characteristics of and makes judgements about what should be counted?

Numbers are biased. example is "Cost benefit analysis" pushes analysis to ignore what they cannot count.


How do "stories of decline" influence action?

Stories of decline put urgency and pressure on policy change


Pickering-Connick dismissal case had to do with what amendment?

The Teacher (Pickering) won because his dismissal was a violation of his First Amendment freedom of speech.


Why is civic engagement important to promote?

AASCU works with a variety of institutions to promote civic learning and engagement through initiatives such as the American Democracy Project.

Contributes to sense of civic responsibility and active community engagement. in return students will critically analyze information and act as informed citizens


What is Rational Choice Theory?

Individuals use their self-interests to make choices that will provide them with the greatest benefit


In Causal Theory, there are 2 distinctions that political actors can frame causal stories to strategically represent information to the public...what are they?

Framed with the concept of actions (unguided or guided) and consequences (intended or unintended). 

When the consequences of purposeful human action are bad, we have stories of oppressors and victims. 


Scenario: You oversee a group of research scientist, you have discovered that if they poison the water supply for a near by village in remote area of Alaska these scientist will be able to chill the ice temperatures enough to take samples and testing of these fossils. The access to these fossils and the type of research the scientist conduct will cure cancer, end a series of chronic illnesses, and allow for much more health related advancements.  

Critically thinking about this decision is the right answer 


How does Academic Freedom work for Faculty that work for a Private vs Public institution?

Private faculty -Legally protected by contracts

Public faculty-Legally protected by First Amendment


What might be an issue with having community colleges be tuition free? 

Price-sensitive students will opt for community colleges, even when a public four-year institutions represent better venues to the baccalaureate for them or provide the specific academic program they chose to pursue.


What is mobilization in politics?

Organizing and engaging individuals in social movements to advocate for specific causes or goals

Examples: rallies, Women's March, BLM movement, Vietnam War protests, on-campus sit-ins in solidarity of Palestine


What is a "Synecdoche" and why is it dangerous in political rhetoric 

figure of speech where a part is represented as the whole. 

Politicians might choose one outlandish incident to represent what is considered "typical" then use that example to build support for changing policy.


How does ambiguity cause conflict and political polarization?

Ambiguity gives the rhetoric to one side and the decision to the other
