Aditi's Age
What is 12?
True/False: Aditi is in Pre-Al
What is True?
Aditi's food "allergy"
What is white chocolate?
Aditi's most visited state
What is Virginia?
The instrument Aditi plays
What is the flute?
Aditi's Birthday
What is Feb. 26?
Aditi's homeroom
What is writing (Iraca)?
Aditi's fav brand of chocolate
What is Reese's PB cups?
The place Aditi lives in India
What is Hyderabad?
The brand of the necklace Aditi wears pretty much everyday
What is Kendra Scott?
Aditi's star sign
What is pisces?
Aditi's best subject
What is writing?
Aditi's favorite cuisine
What is Thai?
The country and city Aditi wants to visit most
What is Paris, France?
Aditi's Favorite Color
What is teal?
Aditi's birth state
What is Chicago?
Aditi's favorite subject
What is science?
Aditi's least fav brand of chocolate
What is bounty?
Aditi's fav country she's visited (besides India)
What is Mexico?
Aditi's favorite animal
What is a bunny?
The really traumatic accident that happened to me when I was 5-6 yrs old
What is the time I got shoved into a wall by my cousin in my grandparent's apartment in India and I started bleeding and had to wear a band aid and get a shot that a nurse would come to the apartment and give me everyday for a week straight?
Aditi's lowest grade
What is 96% in gym and Math?
Aditi's real food allergy
What is nothing?
What was Aditi's most memorable travel mishap?
Aditi's favorite number
What is 26?