How many siblings do I have?
2 brothers & a sister
Name my dogs (one passed away this year)
Oscar & Archie
What is the name of my home town?
What is my favourite sport to play?
What date did we get married?
What was the name of my childhood doll that I took everywhere?
Hint: the name of a underwater Disney character
What country have I not attended school/uni in?
A) New Zealand
B) Fiji
C) Tonga
D) France
Incorrect: Fiji
How many places have I lived in?
Live = 3 months or more
Bonus if you can name them?
1. Yenda
2. Griffith
3. NZ - Matamata
4. Tonga
5. Canberra
6. Central Coast
How many games of touch have I played this year?
Who walked me down the aisle?
How many of my family members are legally blind?
3, my Nan & both her sisters
Where have I been stung by a bee before?
A) mouth
B) foot
C) bum
D) calf
Inside of my mouth
When overseas, what pet did I have?
A) cat
B) lamb
C) dog
How many months did I do CrossFit for this year?
5 months
What month did we get engaged?
What group was I apart of as a child?
A) Scouts - what a loser
B) Girl Guides - what a loser
C) None
B) Girl Guides
Wee. Someone looked me dead in the eyes whist I serving them and peed & then walked out like nothing happened.
Why did I live overseas when I was younger?
My parents were doing missionary work - YWAM
Have I ever played soccer?
Name all the staff members, past & present that attending our wedding
Abbey, Matt, Sophie, Blair, Hayley G & Chontelle