
What is the area of a triangle with base=9ft and a height=7ft?

31.5 ft squared


How many bases does a trapezoid have?

How do you identify the bases?

1) They have two

2) The bases are parallel to one another and the height is in between them.

What is the formula to find the area of a parallelogram?

How do you know which base is base 1 and which is base 2 on a trapezoid?

It doesn't matter which base is labeled b1 and which one is labeled base 2. 

What is the area of a triangle with b=12.1m and h=6.4

Round to the hundreth place

38.72 meters squared


What is the area of a trapezoid with b1=12 in b2=5 in and a h=7 in

59.5 in squared

What is the area of a parallelogram with b=20 cm and h=11 cm?
220 squared cm

Explain how you would find the total area of a regular polygon?

You need to break the shape into smaller shapes that are parallelograms, triangles, and/or trapezoids. If you find the area of each smaller figure, you can then add them up to find the total area.


What is the base of a triangle whose A=24cm squared and a h=6cm?

b=8 cm


What is the height of a trapezoid with b1=15 ft, b2=12 ft and an area of 108 squared feet?

height = 8 ft


What is the height of a parallelogram with a b=9 in and A=45in squared?

h=5 inches


What's the difference between area and perimeter?

The perimeter is the space around a shape (think: fence) and the area is the surface that covers the inside of the shape.


How much material is it needed to cover the front of a camping tent (triangular) with b= 5 ft and a h=3 ft

7.5 ft squared of material is needed


Tiles are being placed in front of a fireplace, to create a trapezoid shape. The height will be 24 inches, the bases are 48 and 60 inches. If the tiles cover 16 inches squared, how many tiles will be needed?

81 tiles


Give an example base and height for a triangle and an example base and height for a parallelogram so they have the same area.

Example: A triangle with b=8 units, and h=3 units and a parallelogram with b=3 units and h=4 units


An octagon is split into triangles. The triangle's height is 7.5 inches and it's base is 5.75 inches. What is the TOTAL area of the octagon?

About 172.48 inches squared.


How can you use triangles to find the area of a regular hexagon?

The hexagon is formed of 6 congruent triangles. If you find the area of one triangle you can find the area of the hexagon by multiplying by 6.


What are two possible lengths of the bases of a trapezoid with a height= 1 foot and an area =9 squared feet

Any two numbers whose sum would be 18


Explain how the parallelogram formula derived from the area of a rectangle's formula?

A parallelogram can be shaped into a rectangle by cutting one side down to make two right angles and a straight line. The leftover area (triangle-shaped) can be rotated and moved to the other side to make a straight line and two right angles.


The polygon consists of a triangle with a base of 4 units and a height of 8 units, and a parallelogram with the same height as the triangle and a base of 5 units. What is the total area of the regular polygon?

56 units squared
