who is her friend that she did musical theatre with?
Who is kayla!!!
who is Sabrina carpenter, frank ocean, tyler the creater?
who is her favourite teacher at joho?
who is mr.luccassn
what show is "nuehh nueh nueh nuehh nueh neuh"
What is Pretty little liars?
What does she like to do on weekends?
what is going to the mall / playing roblox with friends
who are her new friends thats name start with S
who is Sammy and Selena?
What is her favourite type of music?
What is r & b?
who is her homeroom teacher?
Who is Ms.pollota?
who is her favourite character in eather family guy or american dad?
who is stewie and roger
what is her favorite clothing store?
What is Hollister?
what is my idea of a perfect hangout/outing?
what is Going to the mall for way to long / Starbucks the Duram centre / baking and roblox?
what is her favourite playlist?
What is mac miller radio / frank ocean radio?
what teacher makes fun of her the most?
who is mr.luccaun
what show did she have to stop watching bc there was too much talking
what is gilmore girls
what does she want to name a dog?
Who is Simba?
who does she play roblox with?
Who is Amaya and sammy?
who is her second favourite female artist?
who is sza?
what was the subject she got the best grade in?
what is visual arts?
what is the ooowoahoowoahoowoahhh line musical from?
what is wicked?
What is her new favourite mall?
what is the fairveiw mall
who does she sit with in math class
What was her top listened to song on Spotify wrapped?
what is super rich kids by frank ocean?
what is her fav subject on her day 2 schedule?
what is art?
what show did her and her dad watch years ago
what is sugar rush
What is spider?