Where did Bob go to college? (Two places. Getting one of them is half the points.)
BYU and Notre Dame
What does Bob say a little too often that sounds wrong when you don't know the context of it?
"Get my nuts!"
Who is Bob's oldest child?
What is Bob's favorite dessert combination?
Brownies and ice cream
Where did Bob first meet Molly? (extra 50 points if you can name the month!)
At a singles fireside (in January)
Does he have any siblings? If so, are they adopted or biological and are they a brother or sister?
He has one sister, and they are not biologically related. As far as biologically, however, he is an only child.
What does Bob say when he's excited to see someone?
Who is Bob's third-youngest child?
What treat does Bob like to eat at night and put lots of toppings on?
Frozen bananas
What was Bob and Molly's first date?
How did Bob get his Darth Vader cake pan?
His mom asked him if he wanted any of the kitchenware or furniture his parents were giving away. The cake pan was the one thing he wanted, but his mom had given it away already. So, his mom searched every inch of land on this planet (no, not really) and got it back for him!
What is Bob's favorite saying from the little girl memes video?
"It's always Halloween in my SOUL."
Who is Bob's middle child?
What was Daisy urging Bob to do after Bob and Molly had been dating for a little while?
To marry Molly and join the family!
Where does Bob have a birthmark?
On his head.
What does Bob calmly say to Daisy when she is being stubborn?
"Daisy, I'm not going to argue with you."
Name some things Bob puts on his frozen bananas.
Walnuts, chocolate sauce, cinnamon, cashews