High School Attended
What is Willow Canyon High School
College Attending
What is New Mexico State
What is orange
What is Nelly
Number of years hunting
what is 8 years
High School colors
What is blue and grey/silver
College Colors
what is crimson and white
What is Scooby Doo
what is first base
Number of States Hunted in
what is 1
High school Mascot
what is wildcat
College Mascot
What are Aggies
What is sweet tea
Senior Year Number
what is 18
Favorite Species to hunt
what is mule deer
Number of Cords worn at graduation
what is 3
University City Location
What is Las Cruces
what is The Big Lebowski
Age Began Playing
what is 4
Species of biggest fish caught
What is striper (striper bass)
Favorite Class
what is spanish
Area of Study
what is wildlife management
what is a frog
Favorite Uniform Combo (colors)
what is all black
Favorite Camo brand
what is Kings