This is his favourite morning drink when heading to school
What is an iced cap/iced coffee
Mr. Cicchelli is engaged to a lady named Nicole... what is her last name?
Mr. Cicchelli received 60's on his report card for this subject in highschool
What is math?
Mr. Cicchelli will often frequent this establishment with his dad on Wednesdays
What is Chucks
If he could choose, how many kids would Mr. Cicchelli want
What is two
Mr. Cicchelli supports this baseball team in the MLB
What are the Toronto Blue Jays?
Mr. Cicchelli's father was his principal in highschool for how many years?
Before coming to Holy Trinity, Mr. Cicchelli taught at this school
What is St. Joseph in Corunna
Mr. Cicchelli has stated that this fast food restaurant is the most "diverse" in Sarnia
What is DQ
Mr. Cicchelli wants to try two different jobs when he is older within a school setting, name one
What are a PRT and Pathways teacher
Mr. Cicchelli plays the following sports in the summer; Ball hockey, volleyball, pickleball, and ?
What is two pitch/baseball/ slow pitch etc.
Mr Cicchelli's brother teaches at this University in this city
What is Western University in London Ontario
Mr. Cicchelli often credits this teacher at Holy Trinity as being his "mentor"
Multiple Choice;
Which life scenario would Mr. Cicchelli want the most?
- Retire at 35 and live in Italy
- Retire at 55 and work in a hotel
- Win the lottery today and retire immediately
Retire at 55 and work in a hotel
Mr Cicchelli wants to be able to have enough money to afford what type of car
What is a BMW
Mr. Cicchelli has stated in class that if he could only have one food for the rest of his life, it would be this
What are potatoes
Mr. Cicchelli's friend is close friends with this celebrity
Who is Drake
Mr. Cicchelli's least favourite subject to teach
What is art?
What is Mr. Cicchelli's favourite Canadian band?
Many EA's have worked with Mrs. Cicchelli and Mr. Cicchelli (after years apart), name one
Variety of answrs
Mr. Cicchelli has wanted to be a teacher since he graduated elementary school, what year was this?
What is 2010 (acceptable answer within a year before or after)
Mrs. Cicchelli's maiden name is McGregor. What heritage does that name originate from?
What is Scottish?
How many male staff members does Mr. Cicchelli work with at Holy Trinity?
Who is Mr. Cicchelli's favourite student?
Who is no one cause I like all my student equally