What’s Claire’s middle name
What does Claire want to have when she grows up
A dog
What is Claire’s favorite color
Who’s Claire’s favorite mom
Susan Fritts Fiesta
What dessert does Claire hate
What does the Rock do that Claire does really well
Beats people up… Just Kidding
Wiggles the eyebrows
What’s Claire’s least favorite subject
Social Studies
Who Is Claire’s favorite dad
Ronald Vincent Fiesta
What‘s Claire’s favorite food
Is Claire smart
Yes and if you said no then your either David or Matthew
What does Claire hate
piano and cross country
Who copied Claire’s candy gram idea
Grace or more specifically copy cat Grace
If Claire could have any superpower what would it be
How many sports does Claire do
5 I think
What is Claire allergic to
What does Claire get on her report card
Strait As baby
Who’s Claire’s secret crush
NOBODY!!!! All boys are stinky and gross!
What is Claire awesome at…
Lists Claire favorite dog 1 through 3
1. Golden Retriever
2. Black Lab
3. I know Matthew is gonna say corgi so I’ll give the point to him but I changed and the answer is Golden Doodle
What is Claire’s favorite season
What type of car does Claire want when she’s older
A Lambo