What percent of your final grade is classwork (graded assignments)?
What is the app we use for all class information?
Google Classroom
How many classes do we have each day?
After how many minutes are you marked late?
5 minutes
Does Cora have Whatsapp?
When do you need to finish the assignments for the week?
By Sunday at 11:59pm
When do we have Zoom class?
Monday and Thursday
What days do we have Zoom class and what days do we have in-person class?
Monday - Zoom only
Tuesday & Wednesday - In-person only
Thursday - Zoom and in-person
After how many minutes are you marked absent?
15 minutes
Do we have a class texbook?
On Google Classroom in the Graded Assignments folder AND Cora explains all assignments in class
When are you marked absent on Zoom?
When you do not answer me
When is Cora going to be in Mexico?
October 17-October 27
How many classes can you miss during the month?
9 classes or 3 full days
How do you contact Cora?
Whatsapp or email
How do you submit your assignments?
Send your assignments to Cora with Whatsapp, email, or Google Classroom
What can you find on Google Classroom? Name two things.
Graded assignments, grammar information, links for class, extra practice, class announcements and more!
When is the Halloween party?
October 27
When are you marked absent on Zoom?
When you do not answer me
What day is there no class this month because of a holiday?
October 10th
How many graded assignments do we do each month?
How do you join Google Classroom?
Download the app, enter your email, enter the join code
Who is your teacher when Cora is in Mexico?
Teacher Gabe
How do you check your attendance?
The InSeconds student portal
What is one class goal for this month?
1) use past, present, future verb tenses
2) ask and answer questions
3) write sentences with connecting words