Emergency Phone numbers and staff directory
Apartments 101
Student obligations
Successful student 101

This staff member is the Director of Social Development who helps students navigate social situations and plans social activities

Who is Shelby King

With this app, you can access Fenestra buildings and set temporary codes.

What is the butterfly app


You should do what at the front desk before and after a visit?

What is sign in and sign out


Successful students do these 3  following tasks

What is attending all sessions, following routines, and communicating with staff


This staff member helps support ILS activities, including apartment roommate support.

Who is Rylee


A chirping sound from your fire alarm may mean

What are low batteries


You should do what with all your scheduled tutoring sessions, classes, social coaching and meetings?

What is attend and participate


This should be consistently followed according to your Doctor's instructions.

What is take medications 


When should you call 911?

When there is to report a fire, stop a crime, or save a life


Name 4 important safety items to have in your apartment

fire extinguisher, working flashlight, list of emergency phone numbers, first aid kit

What should you do if you know you will run late to a session?

First, reach out to the staff member who is scheduled to meet with you to let them know you are running late. 


This is what you should check every day before leaving your home to determine what to wear and what to bring with you

What is the weather


What is the number 1 item you should have in your apartment?

What is a fire extinguisher? 


What should you do if there is a conflict between you and your roommate 

Answers will vary:

Talk about it in advising, and set a plan to have roommate meetings


Staff at CLE use this app to notify students about any schedule changes. Students are also required to respond and provide updates

What is LifeSherpa


What should you add to your phone?

What are important staff members and the LifeSherpa app


This line will communicate if there is an update to center hours or other immediate information.

What is the "e-line"


What should you immediately do if something you are cooking catches on fire?

What is use fire extinguisher and put a lid on the pot or pan that you are using


What is "self-advocate"

The ability to speak and act on your own behalf, or on behalf of a cause. It involves communicating your needs to others, and can help you make independent decisions and work towards what you want. Self-advocacy can also help people feel more confident and independent in life.


Who are your primary contact for all concerns?

Who are CLE staff members?
