The amount of siblings
What is 3?
My favorite singer
Who is Taylor Swift?
The amount of years I have been a patrol
What is 2 years?
If I like school
What is yes?
The year I will graduate
What is 2031?
The amount of brothers/sisters
What is brothers 0 sisters 3?
My favorite animal
What is a cat?
If I am a patrol officer
What is yes?
The job I want to be when I am older
What is an E.R doctor?
If I have ever broken a bone
What is yes (skull)?
My siblings names
What is Maryam, Layla, and Lena?
My favorite color
What is purple/pink?
The bus I go on
What is OC 1?
my favorite subject
What is Reading/Math?
The year I got my cat
What is 2019
My parents names
What is Angela and Ashraf?
My favorite grade
What is 5th grade?
My favorite kid on the bus
What is N/A?
My favorite specials
What is Art/Guidance
The year I moved
What is 2015?
My cat's name
What is Feyrouz?
My favorite food
What is tomato soup/pasta?
The time I have known my bus driver
What is one year?
My least favorite school year
What is 1rst grade?
The year I got my ear peirced
What is 2017?