when is Dunn's full birthday?
what is December 14, 2003
what is Dunn's spam page called?
what is Dun0nlyfans
what is Dunn's favorite fruity candy
sour patch watermelons
name 2 of Dunn's favorite colors
what is baby blue/black/grey/white
Dunn's Zodiac sign
what is Sagittarius
Dunn's height
what is 5'1 but actually 5'0
in dunn's recent spam, what was the first picture of?
what is Decorating the Christmas tree at reebar's place
Favorite Fruit
what is Mango
favorite singer
who is Brent Faiyaz/ Billie Eilish/ Bruno Mars/ Mars
Dunn's favorite word to say
what is Shut Up
How many sisters does dunn have
what is 4
what is Dunn's first spam picture of?
what is her graduation pictures
Dunn's favorite features
what is her freckles
Favorite travel destination that she has been to
what is New Jersey
Dunn's biggest fear
what is drowning/ deep water/ going on airplanes by herself
What did Dunn want to be as Child
what is Billionaire
on July 20th 2024, what did Dunn post a spam of
hint: special event
what is her sisters wedding
Favorite Villain
what is Venom
favorite cookies
what is macadamia cookies
Dunn's biggest regret
what is low-key not going back to school
Dunn's weirdest Habit
what is rip her toenails off/ pick at her toenails
How many posts does dunn have on her spam account
Hint: 150-200
what is 154
Favorite Show
what is prison break
favorite vegetable
what is Cauliflower
what is Dunn's late sisters name
what is Minnie