what type of animal does emma currently have?
what is a dog?
what is emma's favorite fruit?
what is a blueberry?
what is emma's sister's name?
who is kelly?
what dorm does emma RA in?
what is cobb?
what does emma want to be when she grows us?
what is a dentist?
what animal did emma's family foster?
what are dogs?
what is emma's favorite food place on franklin?
what is roots?
where is emma's grandparents (on dad's side) from?
what is malaysia?
what is the name of the tree emma sits by?
who is penelope?
what frat/soroity is emma part of?
what is dds?
what animal does emma want?
what is a cat?
what is emma's favorite protein?
what is chicken?
what is emma's mom's name?
who is lilly?
where is emma living next year?
what is off campus?
what is emma's dream dental school?
what is UNC Adams School of Dentistry?
what was emma's guinea pig's name?
What is Mr.Nibbles?
what food did emma eat for breakfast almost everyday?
what are eggs?
where does the majority of emma's family live?
what is china?
what is emma's first roommate's name?
what is emma?
what did emma want to be as a child?
what is a police officer?
what is emma's favorite animal?
what is a pig?
what is emma's drink of choice?
what is water?
who is taller my mom or my dad?
Who is my mom?
where did emma live her freshman year? (two locations)
what does emma want most in the world?