
Pieces or parts of something whole is called what

A Fraction


What type of fraction has a bigger denominator number than the numerator number like 1/2?

A Proper Fraction


What is the name of the fraction where a circle is cut into two pieces and one of those piecces or parts is used or shaded?

"One half" or "One over two" or 1/2


The top number above the fraction line is called this

A Numerator


What type of fraction has a bigger numerator number than the denominator number like 6/2?

Improper Fraction


What is the name of the fraction where a square is cut into four pieces or parts and one of those pieces or parts is being used or shaded?

"One fourth" or "One over four" or 1/4


The bottom number below the fraction line is called 

The Denominator


What type of fraction is equal to other fractions? HINT: It means equal value fractions.

Equivalent Fractions


What is the name of the fraction where a log is cut into 3 equal pieces and two of those equal pieces are used? In other words: what fraction of the log was used if the whole log was cut into 3 equal parts and only two of those equal parts were used for the fireplace?

"Two thirds" or "Two over three" or 2/3


This  part of a fraction tells us how many pieces or parts from something whole is being used or shaded

The Numerator


What is the name of the type of fraction that is mixed up with a whole number and a fraction like 2 1/4 said like this: "two and one fourth"?

A Mixed Fraction


A long, whole piece of tape was cut into 5 equal pieces but only 3 of those equal pieces were used to hang up pictures. What fraction of the whole tape was used to hang up pictures?

"Three fifth" or " Three over five" or 3/5


This part of a fraction tells us how many pieces or parts that make something whole

The Denominator


What is the name of the type of fraction that has a number 1 in the numerator no matter the denominator number? HINT: When something whole is cut into equal parts, each equal part or piece is called this type of fraction.

A Unit Fraction


A whole, small 3rd grade class has 10 students. 6 are girls and 4 are boys. What fraction of this whole, small 3rd grade class are girls? What fraction of this whole, small third grade class are boys?

Girls: "Six tenth" 6/10

Boys: "Four tenth" 4/10
