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French Food
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French Trivia
French Random

Located in Paris, what is the name of the museum where Mona Lisa is housed?

The Louvre (loov) known as the world’s most?visited museum, the Louvre opened its gallery doors in August 1793 with an exhibition of 537 paintings. Today, the museum houses an estimated 380,000 objects and 35,000 works of art.


What is the name for the very thin, pancake-style food that is typically served in a sweet or savory style?


Crêpes have a long history of being a favorite food in France; however, its origin remains a mystery. One urban legend is that a housewife accidentally spilled buckwheat porridge on a flat hot surface and thus the crêpe was created


What is the name of the iconic French designer known for her elegantly casual designs such as the “little black dress” and famous fragrance No. 5?

Coco Chanel 

Coco Chanel started her career as a hatmaker in France. In 1913, she opened her first shop. She was also the first fashion designer to introduce a perfume—Chanel No. 5


What is the name of the famous bicycle race that occurs in France every July?

Tour de France, created in 1903, the Tour de France is the world’s most prestigious cycling event. Teams of cyclists from all over the world travel roughly 3,500 kilometers over three weeks every July for the race.


Bordeaux, merlot, and pinot noir are all types of what beverage France is renowned for?


France accounts for 16 percent of the world’s total wine production, producing over 3,000 different wines across two million acres of vineyards. The country produces between seven and eight billion bottles of wine a year.


What world-famous Parisian cathedral, constructed between the 12th and 14th centuries, is known for its breathtaking stained glass, stone carvings, and 100-meter spires?

Notre Dame Cathedral 

The cathedral was commissioned by King Louis VII and survived countless wars, historical events, and revolutions. In 2019, it suffered a devastating fire. Through tireless restoration efforts, the cathedral is set to reopen in 2024.


What type of bread is distinguished by its long shape and crisp crust?

(French) Baguette 

Baguettes are a staple food item in France, so much so that France used to have a law that required bakers to inform city hall whenever they wanted to take vacation to avoid too many bakeries being closed at once. The law was repealed in 2015


What is the name of the clothing pattern often seen on army fatigues and used to conceal or hide the person wearing it?

Camouflage Army 

camouflage was introduced in 1914, when the French army became the first to create a dedicated camouflage unit. The theatrical nature of camouflage encouraged artists to participate in the attempt to hide the army’s military equipment.


What was the name of the group of writers and artists who moved to France in the 1920s after World War I?

The Lost Generation

The group of writers and artists in the 1920s known as the Lost Generation moved to France to escape postwar American society. Notable among this group were Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, and T. S. Eliot.


What is the name of the famous French cabaret known for the creation of the can-can dance?

Moulin Rouge 

Located in the Montmartre (mon-MART) neighborhood of Paris, Moulin Rouge became known for its extravagant cabarets featuring dance, music, and other entertainment.


What world-famous structure, located in Paris, was originally built to be one of the main attractions of the Paris World’s Fair in 1889?

The Eiffel Tower created by Gustave Eiffel, the tower quickly gained global notoriety because, at the time, it was the tallest structure in the world. Open year-round, it welcomes over seven million visitors a year


What is the name of the French food considered a delicacy that consists of a mollusk cooked in butter and garlic?

Escargot (ESS-car-go) 

Although eating snails dates back to ancient Rome, today it is considered a French delicacy and has become associated with luxury and wealth.


What is the name of the famous French designer known for the iconic interlocking “LV” monogram that can be seen on his company’s luxury handbags?

Louis Vuitton (LOO-ee vee-TAHN) 

Vuitton started his career as a skilled craftsman making travel trunks for the wife of Napoleon III. He opened his first shop at age 33 and continued to make trunks that were popular for their stackable and lightweight design.


Originating in France, what is the name of the most prestigious award a restaurant can receive? Hint: A restaurant can receive one, two, or three of them

Michelin Star 

After brothers André and Édouard Michelin founded their tire company, they created a guide highlighting restaurants around France for people to visit. They later began recruiting mystery diners to review the restaurants anonymously and began to award stars in 1926


What is the name of the famous film festival in France that occurs every May?

Cannes (KAN) Film Festival created in 1946, the festival awards numerous prizes each year, including the prestigious Palm d’Or for best picture


What famous California-based theme park extended its locations to France in 1992?

Disneyland In April 1992, Disneyland Paris opened its doors. Since its opening, it has grown to be a popular tourist destination, offering two world-class theme parks, hotels, villages, a 27-hole golf course, and Europe’s largest corporate event venue.


France is known for having around 400 different varieties of which dairy product?


Along with wine, France is renowned for its cheese-making traditions. Each region of France offers different types of cheese that vary in texture, taste, and color. Can you name any popular French cheeses? (Brie, Muenster, Gruyère, Roquefort, Comté, etc.)


What is the name of the famous artist known for his iconic Water Lilies series of paintings and for being one of the founders of the Impressionist art movement?

Claude Monet 

Claude Monet was a painter who transformed the French art movement during the second half of the 19th century


What type of bird does the French military still train to deliver messages in the event that telecommunications are unavailable?

Carrier pigeons 

Carrier pigeons were used during wartime up until World War II. With the advancement of technology, the carrier pigeon is generally no longer used by militaries, but France houses a unit of 120 carrier pigeons just in case.


What is the name of the southeastern French coastline known for its luxurious resorts, beaches, and stunning views?

The French Riviera 

Stretching over 550 miles, it is one of the world’s most-visited tourist attractions. The French Riviera has 300 days of sun per year, which makes it no surprise that it started out as a winter health resort for the British upper class in the late 18th century.


How many times has Paris hosted the Olympics, including the 2024 games?

Three Times 

The first time was in 1900 and the second in 1924. The Olympic Games have grown a lot over the last 100 years. In 1924, just over 3,000 athletes competed, and in 2024 there are over 10,000 athletes set to compete.


What is the name of the light and airy pastry that puffs up during baking and is then filled with a sweet cream?


What makes an éclair so special is the baking method. The pastry rises from the use of steam. It does not use yeast, baking soda, or baking powder, unlike other popular desserts.


What is the name of the historical novel written by Victor Hugo in 1862 that tells the story of an ex-convict in 18th-century France?

Les Misérables (LAY MIZ-er-ahb) 

Les Misérables explores themes of justice, redemption, and the human condition. Over the decades, the novel has been adapted to both Broadway and cinema and has been translated into more than 20 languages


What is the name of the French holiday celebrated every year on July 14?

Bastille Day

It is celebrated to commemorate the French Revolution and the storming of the Bastille prison in 1789. The storming of the prison was a symbol of the people’s determination to rise up against the monarchy of France


What was the name of the peace treaty signed in 1919 that helped bring an end to the first World War?

The Treaty of Versailles 

Signed in the Palace of Versailles, it was negotiated by the Allied Powers, including the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Italy, and marked the end of hostility with Germany. It included territorial changes, disarmament, and reparations to be paid by Germany.
