The food with cheese, chips, and taco meat.
What is nachos
The boy that goes in my house a lot
What is Juston
What I useley eat
What is M&Ms
It is called _______ Colors
What is Sonic Colors
It is in are house
What is Dog
The food that has cheese and pepperoni
What is pizza
The boy that lives right next to us
What is Soyer
Lauren's favorite candy
What is sour patch kids
It is called _____ Party 8
What is Mario Party 8
The pet that died :( (Not Lauren's hamster)
What is cat
The food that I eat for breakfast
What is cereal
The girl that never goes in my house
What is Melody
My valentine candy
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is nerds
It is called Just _____ _
What is Just Dance 4
The pet that Lauren has
What is fish
The food with meat and cheese
What is tacos
The two little girls
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is Alisa and Abrey
I get is at church
What is doughnut
It is called Super _____ ____
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is Super Smash Bros
The animal that lives under water, that is blue, and has sharp teeth
What is shark
The food is a fruit
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is an apple
The girl from school
What is Macy
Like M&Ms but with peanut butter
What is reese's
It is called ____out
What is wipeout
Garret's 1st favorite animal
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is cheetah