You select...
...who supports you in the community and at work.
.... and wants are met by staff
You have...
... the right to make life choices and choose environment of living
You are...
You have control...
.... over your schedule
You can create...
.... create your own daily schedule
You have...
.... the choice of classroom/group setting.
You and....
your peers get to choose your daily activities
You have the right to have....
.... a lock on your bedroom door
You can have...
... food whenever you like
You can control...
... your own money
You can...
... have a Person-Centered Plan created
You get...
... to plan out your day-to-day schedule
You have the right to choose...
... your roommates
You have access....
.... to public transportation
Some examples I'd like to share with you is....
.... Going to work, the Movies, the Mall, Karaoke, Car Shows, to visit friends in the community or their home, Church, Museums, Art Hop, the gym, the grocery store, and the library
Examples: You choose the setting...
...that will allow you to achieve your personal goals.
Examples: Living....
... Independently in your own apartment
Examples: Locking...
... the door when using the bathroom
You can utilize...
.... other resources to access the broader community
BONUS: Can you recite the full "Accessibility in the Home" slide?
Your house is your home, and you have the right to change the temperature, access activities, and eat at anytime.
Examples: You choose the frequency...
.... and the pace that will support you to achieve your desired outcome
Examples: Having...
... space when you want to be alone
BONUS: Can you recite from memory the last two slides?
Where you can find more information
Department of Developmental Services
Self Determination Program
Central Valley Regional Center
Please reach out to CVRC HCBS Coordinator with any questions regarding HCBS and HCBS Compliance
This presentation was created by:
Jose Virgen & Liliana Rios, Spanish Interpreters
Alicas Conley, Person-Centered Advocate
The HCBS Crew
The Arc Fresno and Madera Counties