The Percussion family got its name from the latin word percussio. The translation is quite fitting for how one might play one of the instruments.
To strike or to hit
A violin's bow uses this animal's hair to create more friction against the strings.
Brass Family
Some folks might try to put this instrument in the brass family based off its looks, but really we all know it goes with the woodwinds.
This small piece of wood is essential for creating a sound on most woodwind instruments.
The first flutes were made out of this material.
Membranophones are really just a fancy word for these instruments.
Some people consider this object the original "brass" instrument, although it contains no brass or metal.
Conch shell or Sea Shell
This instrument makes its sound by splitting the air at just the right angle in order to create the vibration for sound.
Flute and piccolo
The timpani, or most other drums, used this material for their drum heads in the olden days.
Animal hides/skins