What character did I play in Steel Magnolias
What is my Mom's maiden name?
What friend of mine's mother recently died
Sarah Catherman
What is the first picture on my mom's Facebook?
Me sitting on my dad's Harley motorcycle
What is the name of the recently built restaurant by Ethan's old house?
The Dented Keg
Where did I perform A Midsommar Nights Dream? (name of place)
Witmer Park
What is Sam's girlfriend's name?
What ex-friend of mine did Rylee room with freshman year?
How did I lose my first tooth?
Biting an apple
What town did Pappy and Jackie live in?
What character did I have a crush on in Matilda the Musical?
Mrs. Wormwood
52 from a brain aneurysm
What sport does Peyton Reese play?
What was my first hamster's name and how did she die?
Missy, died from wet-tail disease
Where would for ice cream besides Dairy Queen?
Sherwoods Creamery
What character did I audition for in Aladdin Jr.?
Name 3 of my brother's ex-girlfriends
Hunter, Becca, Bethany, Taylor, Corin, Tessa, Kaylee
What friend gave me advil in school?
Cara Turner
What was my first job and roughly where is it located?
The crystal store on the way to school
What was my first play?
Alice in Wonderland
What year did Kennedy shave her head?
Where did I first meet Ethan?
At a Halloween party
How did Kennedy and I get out of playing with the neighbor?
We pretended to be wild deranged clones of ourselves to scare her away
What is the name of the neighborhood across from Dairy Queen?
Golden Rod