I go here every school break!
What University am I going to in the fall
University of Toledo
My favourite baseball club is this team that has won 27 World Series, the most in MLB
The Yankees!!!
My favourite show is this series, at least "that's what she said"
The Office
In third year of University, I get my intern licence for this profession
When I was 7, I went to this European capital city that is also known as the city of love
Paris, France
Before Emily Carr, I went to this elementary school in Sonoma
Lorna Jackson PS
Believe it or not, I used to play this kicking sport when I was 5
My favourite movie is this trilogy with four guys who get drunk in Las Vegas and don't remember their last night
The Hangover
Almost every Halloween, I dressed up as this athletic profession
Baseball Player
The smallest country I've been to is this European nation that is just outside Rome
Vatican City
My favourite course in Grade 12 is this course
I played REP baseball for a couple years for this team
The Vaughan Vikings
My favourite actress played Katniss Everdeen in one of my most-liked movie series
Jennifer Lawrence
I go to McDonald's every Monday and get a Big Mac without this vegetable which is my least favourite
I recently visited this city in February as I went to go see the University of Rhode Island
Laily and I have known each other since this grade where we both had Ms. Kolisnik as our teacher
Grade 2
My first ever baseball game that I watched was with my uncle in this stadium in New York
Yankee Stadium
My favourite horror movie is this one where "they play a game"
I have been on Student Council since Grade 10, what was my favourite event that I ran every week
Trivia Tuesday
I almost missed my connecting flight at this busy Illinois Airport
Chicago O'Hare
Bonjour, what elementary school did I go to during Kindergarten?
Elders Mills PS
Jeter, Judge, and Cole. How many Yankees jersey's do I own?
My favourite comedian is this actress who starred in Parks and Recreation from 2009 to 2015
Amy Poehler
What is my middle name