What is my favorite character’s name in my favorite book series?
Keefe (From Keeper of the Lost Cities) 🧑🏼
How many shows have I been in? (Including my current one)
14,including Moana.
Who is my L.A. teacher?
Mrs. Burke
Who is in my pod who is also in Moana and who do they play?
Vincent;He plays Maui
What is my favorite color?
Who is my favorite character in the Land of Stories that is also married to Jack.
What are my two favorite shows that I’ve been in?
Legally Blonde and Cinderella Rocherfella.
What are my two favorite school years so far?
Fourth and Sixth grade.
When this friend comes over she loves to chace Banana around the house with me. Who is she?
What is my WEIRDEST pair of earrings? (That I made)
My “mermaid” earrings
In Keeper of the Lost Cities who is my least favorite Vacker?
What was the first show that I did where I had lines?
The 2nd Christmas padgent I did.
What is my next IA?
Who is obsessed with Nutella!
When were Dylan and Emily given their nicknames?
After the fourth grade tall small dance at the Inside Scoop
In the Hunger Games what are Finnicks last words And why?
He was being attacked by mutts and was beginning Kattnis to end his suffering like she promised to if anyone in their group was dying. She didn’t.
How many lines did I have in my first show?
Who is my Spanish teacher?
Ms. Stavenger
Who is at my table in S.S. that was also in my pod last year?
Which one of my friends keeps saying she’s gonna eat me?
In the Uwanteds who is the fourth head mage and leaders of the desenters.
Freida Stubbs.
During Oliver what did my friends and I name the styrofoam head?
What teacher typically calls me Gambaccini?
Mrs. Coggs (One of my PE teachers)
Which of my friends was stabbed by a steak knife? (She’s okay)
Kaitlyn(One of my theater friends)
What two people do I know their locker codes of and why?
Mallory because she gave it to my and my friends when we decorated her locker and Tyler because his locker used to be Maeve’s before she moved lockers and she had given me her code.