What is kindness?
putting others first
showing care and concern for others
doing something for someone and not expecting anything in return
spreading love
including and accepting everyone
Kindness makes your heart feel....
What does kindness look like?
holding a door for someone
helping someone up when they fall
Why should you be kind to everyone and not just your friends?
You expect them to be kind to you.
It's the right thing to do.
You never know what someone is going through and how your kindness can make a difference.
How can you show more kindness to your siblings?
Play nicely together.
Use kind words instead of hurtful words.
Offer to help when needed.
Say "I'm sorry," when you've done something wrong.
Defend your sibling if someone is unkind to them.
How can you show kindness to someone who is being unkind to others?
"Please don't do that."
"Will you please stop?"
"That's not very nice."
"Would you want someone treating you like that?"
Why is it important to be kind?
You never know what someone else is going through. One small act of kindness may make a huge difference in someone's life.
When your friend is upset, what could you do?
Ask them what is wrong.
Give them a hug.
Ask them to play with you or sit by you at lunch.
Make them a card or picture.
Name something kind you do to help out your parents or grandparents.
Clean my room.
Take out the trash.
Unload the dishwasher.
Clean up after dinner.
Carry in groceries.
Fold and put up laundry.
How can we show kindness to our environment?
Pick up trash.
Conserve water.
Conserve energy.
Respect, enjoy, and appreciate nature.
Plant a tree.
Encourage others to do all of the above.
What does kindness feel like?
cared for
thankful and grateful
Sophia is feeling grumpy and is rude to everyone at her at school. When we feel grumpy, it's okay to be rude to others and make them feel the way we feel. True of False?
False! It's okay to have grumpy days (we all do!), but it's not okay to be unkind to others. When you're feeling grumpy, what are some things you can do to feel better?
You bumped into someone while playing at recess. They fell over. What should you do?
Say you are sorry.
Ask if they are ok.
Help them up.
Your friend Joey is mad at your friend Matt. Joey says if you talk or play with Matt then he won't be your friend anymore. What should you do?
Tell Joey that he is not being very nice. Explain that we can all be friends.
If you see a student crying on the playground, what could you do?
Ask what's wrong.
Ask how you can help.
Play with them.
Give them a hug.
What can you wear every day to show people kindness?
A smile!
How do you feel when someone is unkind to you?
How can we show kindness to animals?
Be friendly to animals.
Give your animal plenty of space to run.
Play gently with animals.
Teach others how to be kind to animals.
Teach your animal a trick or command.
Help needy animals and take care of them.
Make sure your animal has food and water.
Build a bird house.
Build a bird feeder and keep seed in it.
What was a kind thing that someone did for you?
helped me with something
played with me at recess
sat with me at lunch
invited me to their house or birthday party
shared something with me
How can you show more kindness to your classmates at school?
Offer to help.
Listen when they need to talk.
Give compliments.
Find something positive and encouraging to say.
Accept and include everyone.
Hold the door open.
Share supplies.
Try to understand their feelings.
Ignoring your friend or classmate is a way to be kind. True or False?
False! We should always accept and try to include everyone, no matter how different they are from us.
What does kindness sound like?
"Go ____!"
"I love you"
"You can do this!"
"Come play with us!"
"Thank you for all you do for me!"
"Is there something I can do to help?"
"I made this for you!"
True or False: You only need to be kind to people you like.
False! We are expected to show kindness to everyone.
What was the last kind thing you did for someone else?
helped someone
found someone lonely to play with at recess
sat with someone lonely at lunch
invited someone to my house or birthday party
shared something with someone
How can you show more kindness to your teachers and staff at school?
Use good manners.
Offer to help.
Give a compliment.
Follow expectations.
Participate positively.
Hold doors open.
Pick up litter around the school.
Show respect and appreciation.