What is Leils favorite color(s)?
Pink, white, black
What is something Leila likes to do on a regular sunny day?
Paint her nails.
What is Leilas favorite food on a rainy day?
how many hours does Leila usually sleep in a day on avg.
8-12 hours
What is Leilas fears?
getting sick, death, losing my baby
What is Leilas favorite chocolate, chips and drink?
Yolk, snickers, kitkat, milky way
Hot fries
Boba, sweet iced tea, water, strawberry lemonade
What phone is Leila currently looking at to get? iPhone 16 Pink, 15 pro, 15/15 plus pink, 15/15 plus blue.
Iphone 15 pink
What is Leilas favorite sent?
Vanilla coffee or vanilla cake?
What is Leilas favorite dessert?
cookies or brownies
What is Leilas favorite wingstop flavor
origonal hot
what are the 3 things Leila is allergic to?
Peanuts, penecillin, pineapples
When is Leilas birthday? (List full date)
April 23 2009
What is Leilas favorite smoothie from Jamba Juice (Daily dobble)
Watermelon, strawberry banana
what is Leilas least favorite vegetable(s)?
What is Leilas favorite book?
Ugly Love (Colleen hoover)
What are some of Leilas favorite drinks from Starbucks?
Iced peach green tea lemonade, chocolate java mint frap and any more that I agree with but forgot.
Where is a place that Leila has always wanted to travel to?
What is Leilas religion?
(daily dobble) What is Leilas favorite shoe in her closet rn? HINT: I don't wear this shoe often anymore but it is still super cute, I wear it with leggings a strong majority of the time and they are black.
Nike Retcons
What is Leilas order from chipotle?
Little bit of white rice, black beans, double chicken, extra pico, cheese, sour cream, lettuce.
What is Leilas order for subway?
Italian BMT with American cheese and herb and cheese bread, lettuce, tomato, onions, extra jalapenos and banana peppers, pickles, salt pepper, oil, vinegar.
Does Leila like to stick to one color nails or does she like to switch it up every one in a while.
Switch it up
Which one is Leilas favorite stuffed animal? (Percival, Pen, patella, Komi, hello kitty)
Who is Leilas Favorite person in the whole wide world