what is my b-day?
feb 3, 2010
do I like school food?
yes for the most part
what are the some hobbies I like to do?
what are some sad things that happend while camping?
I melted my shoe and got a cut on my foot that wouldn't stop hurting so my mother rapped it up in a bandaid and some medical tape thingy.
have I saved someones life?
yes a little girl at the pool I saved her from drowning
what's a problem I have that I had to go to physical therapy?
walking on my toes
am I popular?
not really (sadly)
what band do I have at the pool?
yellow band
snow day with the girls?
what is me and Marty's friendship like
nuetrel not to bad we don't argue as much
how many people and pets have died/ passed away in my life?
4 my dad, grandmother, friend (Izzy), and my dog mufasa.
do I have a crush and if so who?
no I don't I like being lonely
do I like to cook/bake
sometimes but not often
have I fallen down stairs before
yes at the girls house and I almost did at school.
who do I have to support me?
family, friends, and therepist
how many times have I moved?
twice (i'll explain if needed)
am I a good student?
what do I like to outside
swimming, biking, trampoline, walking around, and destroying stuff.
have I broken a bone?
have I had a sleep over at other peoples house other then mine and the girls
where was I born?
have I gotten detention
what calm hobbies do I like?
have I fell in mud before
yes at Breanna's house
am I a funny person