Life with Her Husband
Her story
Funny Facts About Lil

This colour is Lilian’s favourite. 

What is white?


This is the location of where Lilian met her husband John. 

What is Runnymede High School?


Lilian start working quite young. This is the place where she first began working. 

What is Angie’s? (Cleaning at Angie’s)


Lilian uses this word to describe someone who is a trouble maker. This word could also be used to describe a skunk.

What is a stinker?


This tv show is Lilian’s all time favourite. She watched all 6 seasons within a week and learned that even Malta watches it!

What is Virgin River?


When John and Lilian went on their first date, they were both very nervous! This is what John and Lilian did for their first date. 

What is Rollerskating?


After many years of dedicated work, Lilian decided it was time for her to retire. This is the job that Lilian had when she retired. 

What is cardiac triage at Trillium Hospital?


While in Disney world, Lilian was mistaken for this Disney Princess.

Who is Snow White?


The movie is Lilian’s favourite. She loves a little whimsy and fiction. And no, lions do not scare her!

What is The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe?


Lilian calls her husband many things, some of which cannot be written here. This is Lilian’s favourite pet name for her husband. 

What is Hun?


It might surprise you to know that Lilian played sports when she was in highschool. In fact, she has a scar on her knee from engaging in this specific sport. 

What is running hurdles?


When Lilian drives her mother Moddy crazy telling her what to eat and drink, she is referred to by this job title?

Who is Doctor Abela. 


Lilian loves to get pizza from Pizza Nova. When she places her order, she aaalllwaaayyyssss gets this pizza. 

What is Nonna’s Favourite?


When John and Lilian got married, they were showered with love from both of their families and friends. This is the year they John and Lilian were married. 

What is 1984?


Before having children, Lilian had planned to pursue a career that was different than what she ended up in. This is the career that Lilian would have pursued. 

What is nursing?


Lilian has only said this curse word a total of (maybe) one time, and when she says it, she whispers it so the Lord cannot hear her. (Please write your answer as “the ____ word”)

What is the F word?


Lilian has lived in many homes, but only one is her favourite of all. This is the street of her favourite home. 

What is Laurentian Avenue?


Lilian and John’s first child came into the world ready to conquer it. Always active, and usually singing (even when the song involved flipping her family the bird), their first born was and still is a force to be reckoned with. What is the year Lilian and John had their first child? (You cannot ask Sarah how old she is)

What is 1988?


Lilian was brought into Canada from Malta by her two parents. This is the age of Lilian when she first came to Canada. (Nanna do NOT spill the beans)

What is 4.5months?


Lilian often comes up with her own, creative abbreviation of words when texting. If Lilian wanted to send you a “short-form” text to let you know she’s just arrived home, she would write it as, “just got _________”.

what is, just got hm?
