The name of Mazzy's Parents
Kym and Byron
The tattoo shop Mazzy goes to in gainesville
The name of the bartender Mazzy is friends with at UC
The name of Mazzy's dogs
Hope, Charles and Angel
Music artist Mazzy has several tattoos for
Taylor Swift
The tattoo that's for her grandmother
Vase on arm
Mazzy is 10 years cancer free -- today
The name of Mazzy's grandparents
Paula and Bill
The name of the artist Mazzy saw twice back to back
Where did Mazzy get tattooed internationally?
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Mazzy is an influencer with Penguin Teen
Famous singer whom Mazzy met in Las Vegas
Gwen Stefani
The state that Mazzy's birth mother is from?
New Jersey
Mazzy's first concert
BB King
The amount of tattoos Mazzy has
Mazzy had lung cancer
The Cocktail Mazzy loves from cocktail bar in London
Maisy's mess
The amount of children Mazzy's birth mother has
Mazzy's first tattoo
Butterfly on left arm
Mazzy was in treatment for over a year
False -- only for 5 months
The type of cancer Mazzy had
Hodgkins Lymphoma