favorite sport
what is football
the color of my cat
what is ginger
favorite animal
what is alligator
favorite christmas gift
what is ps5
my dream car
what is jeep
my 3 favorite colors
What is grey, red, sky blue
my zodiac sign
what is libra
favorite soda
what is sprite
the thing i do most at home
what is text or dance
celebrity crush
what is no one 🤭
my cats name
what is elsa
beach, pool, or both
what is pool
favorite hobby
what is writing songs/rapping
favorite anime
what is death note
favorite song by lil loaded
what is racks
my favorite food
What is ribs/chicken wings
spicey, sour, salty, or all
what is all
first friend at this school
what is megan
amount of ex bfs i have
what is 3
favorite thing to do when im bored
what is tiktok dances or playing fortnite
favorite song
what is lost
favorite rapper
what is jontae
favorite song by rod wave
what is street runner
my favorite birthday gift
what is my phone or izabelle's gift
my crush
what is kingston