Latest Obsessions
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Life Altering Media
Real Estate Era

Maddie used to play this video game on her phone until it was banned from the app store. 

What is Fortnite?


Maddie's mom confirmed sperm donor was cheating when she found this candy in his truck.

What are chocolate shaped dicks?


Maddie's favorite movie

What is Interstellar?

The place Maddie frequented before showing up to her job 30-45 minutes late because she hated it that much

What is Starbucks?


One summer, Maddie played Fortnite with a man before she canoodled with him, but she could not until canoodle until he received this package from this company.

What is condoms from Amazon?


Maddie recently discovered this coffee drink.

What is a Dunkalatte?


The amount of money sperm donor owes in child support

What is $100k?
The two shows I was forbidden to watch because I was too young, according to my dad, but my mom let me watch them anyways

What is Desperate Housewives and Degrassi?


The game I said was my previous experience when interviewing for this job

What is the Sims?


This AP exam was waiting for Maddie the day after she was caught by the police having relations

What is AP Chemistry?


My favorite videos to watch on Twitter/TikTok

What are cop/fight videos? 


Sperm donor's latest catchphrase about his teeth

What is "I am five teeth from toothless?"


For my 13th birthday, I had a party at the movie theater. This is the movie I watched with all my friends that was PG-13 with Emma Stone

What is Easy A?


The proposal Maddie planned for Parker and his girlfriend

What are balloons that said marry me?


The concussion I received in 9th grade caused me great anxiety because I was forced to miss this class. 

What is Geometry?


Maddie loves/hates to watch this creator.

Who is Tony P?


Maddie pretended to break her leg after her sister was born. She would have gotten away with it if she had not ran into this restaurant after the hospital visit. 

What is Pizza Inn?


During a family vacation to Hilton Head, Maddie played this movie soundtrack so much that her father threatened to break the CD

What is the Eclipse soundtrack?


One morning, Parker did not reply to texts from Maddie about an appointment he was missing. Parker was incapacitated due to this.

What is a Delta 8 gummy?


Maddie was at the Preparte Conference by College Board in NYC around Spring 2016 when she saw this political figure at the same conference center 

Who is Hillary Clinton?


Maddie cannot control herself when it comes to this item from Trader Joes.

What is the frozen chocolate strawberries?


Maddie's dad (Matt) said this to her mom after Maddie backed into his car at night which is when she was not allowed to be driving.

What is "Control YOUR daughter"? (He loved me, I promise)


The terrible news Hannah delivered to Maddie in 2015 during study hall. They both cried. 

What is Zayn leaving One Direction?


The comment I made to Parker when my check was short. This was included in my evaluation Parker gave when I told him he was racist.

What is "Employee then sarcastically commented that she had told all her friends and 'they were ready to murder' team leader because of issue earlier that morning. Also sarcastically blamed issue on capitalism"?


Matt introduced Maddie to YouTube, and she became obsessed with a type of creators called this

Who are beauty gurus?
