what is my fab color
every shade blue
what do i want to be when i grow up
what is my 1st dog name
what is my fab chips
takis or hot chips
who is funny in the house
what is my fab food
what music do i like
all of them
what is my 2cd dogs name
who do i love
mom and dad
who is my friends in church
blanca oscar and isaias
my fab game
block blast
what is my two fab soccer player
messi namar jr
what was my 1st amimal
a bird
what is my fab movie
contigo voy
who are my friends in school
crystal sara denniss alysson kaylee
fab subject
what is my fab ice cream i like
mint and chocolate
what is my fab animal
bunny dog
what is my fab drama movie
cobra kai
who is my fab squishy
the monkey
what do i play
what place do i want to go
what is my 2cd fab animal
kola and monkeys
what is my fab Disney movie
what is the song that is stuck in my head
sigma sigma boy sigma boy