What is the first tattoo I want and where?
love with infinity sign on my wrist
What decades do I listen to music from?
80's & 2010's
How many prominent zits do I have on my face right now?
What are my two favorite lines Dad has said about Maddie?
You pig- when eating french bread pizza
She is like a feral pig- eating crunchies off the table
Am I going to college for a job?
What do I do everyday? (HABIT)
Crack my bones (fingers, back, toes, ankles)
What is the last book I read?
Just for the summer
What is my favorite color?
What are my favorite movies? (THEY ARE SAD)
10 things I hate about you
The fault in our stars
5 feet apart
What job did I want for 5 years of my life?
Which animal on commercials do I think is the cutest?
Geico Gecko
What is my favorite Pitbull song?
Time of our Lives
What is my favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint chocolate chip
What is my favorite sitcom?
Modern Family
Name 1 job that I want in the future? (Now)
Wedding Photographer
Tattoo Artist
How much did I weigh when I was born?
8.5 lbs
What is my favorite book of all time?
The very hungry caterpillar
What is my favorite type of dessert?
Ice Cream
What show can I watch a hundred times and never get sick of?
Never Have I Ever
Name 1 job I want this summer?
Devon Manor Snack Stand
What is my go to hairstyle?
low pony
What is the podcast I listen to every night called?
What is my biggest fear?
Germs & Bees
What two Disney movies have the best songs? IN MY OPINION
Lemonade mouth and teen beach movie
What is a job I would never want?