What is Miss Surina's first name?
What's Miss Surina's favourite class?
All of them :)
What kind of animal does Miss Surina have as a pet?
Wiener dog
When is Miss Surina getting married?
August 4th
What High School did Miss Surina go to?
How old is Miss Surina
What is Miss Surina's favorite color?
What is Miss Surina's pet's name?
Where is Miss Surina getting married?
The mountains (Canmore)
What is the name of the first school that Miss Surina got a job at?
Dewberry School
How many brothers and sisters does Miss Surina have?
5 sisters, 1 brother
(and 1 step sister and 1 step brother)
What is Miss Surina's favorite number?
What is one thing that Kona loves?
kids, treats, walks, sleeping, toys, snuggles, barking
What will Miss Surina's last name be once she's married?
What classes did Miss Surina teach when she first started at Dewberry?
3/4 Social Studies
1/2/3 Options
4/5/6 Options
What province was Miss Surina born in?
British Columbia
What is Miss Surina's favorite thing to drink?
Iced coffee
What color is Miss Surina's dog?
black, brown, grey
Who is Miss Surina getting married to?
What school did Miss Surina first sub at?
Kitscoty Elementary School
What is one state Miss Surina has traveled to in the USA?
Arizona, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.
What is Miss Surina's favorite piece of clothing?
What is one human food that Kona loves to eat?
Strawberries, chicken, steak
How many flower girls is Miss Surina having at her wedding?
What is the name of the college and university that Miss Surina went to?
Lakeland College
University of Alberta