This famous clothing-brand has made Julia's closet triple in size, as her employment has sustained her fixations on good quality jeans
This team black character is known to be the "Realm's delight" and has garnered Julia's undying, unwavering support
Rhaenyra Targaryen
This triangular-shaped chocolate was Julia's favourite treat at the ripe age of 7
This man is supposedly Julia's loml even from the 8th grade
Kim Taehyung
This occupation was Julia's initial plan, and the reason for enrolling to the Health and Sciences Academy at BJM
This formula-one company produces Julia's favourite caffeinated drink
Red Bull
In 2021, Julia was submersed into the world of reality shifting through which TikTok-fandom phenomenon.
This 3rd grade Julia, made up what lie to escape physical education.
She had Asthma
Julia is convinced to be able to bag this Korean-Idol performer when she visits Korea
Vernon (Chwe Hansol)
This range of LSAT score is Julia's goal to get into Law School
This brand of thin, crispy, caramel-flavored biscuits has a famous spread bought in Costco, that Julia loves to dip her fruits in
This fanfiction, written with an 'Enemies to lovers' trope and a 'Jock and Nerd' archetype, is named after a fruit that can be seen in Drake's discography
This 2nd grade Julia, won 2nd place in a singing competition due to a voting system with how many amounts of peso were raised
11,700 persos
This prophetic notion was written in a short story and came to fruition with Julia's shih-poo
Julia will have a curly-haired son with raven black hair
If given the chance, Julia would eagerly hone this skill and pursue a profession in this sector
These semi-aquatic mammals have a substantial effect on Julia
This word code word from American Revolution history was discovered by Julia through the musical 'Hamilton' and has since then been stuck in her mind
In the 3rd grade, Julia loved to play this Japanese-developed video game in her pink Nintendo DS Lite. A game that explains her affinity to 'big-backing' in contemporary time
Cooking Mama
This highly age-inappropriate relationship between a student and a professor has continued provocative acts in what small rectangular space
A photobooth
Julia would gladly accept this role in a romantic partnership when given the luxury to do so
Stay-at-home wife
These 2023 and 2024 sports/romance movies features Julia's long-time obsession with a 'bleach and tone'
Boys on the Boat and Challengers
At 6 years old, Julia said these liberating words after weeks of confinement inside the house before her happiness was halted by wounds on her knees owed to a big stumble on a pavement
This place is where Julia dreams of settling down with a handsome English Chef who owns a local restaurant in the city
London/ Country-side UK
Though still unadmitted, this type of law is what Julia hopes to practice when establishing her law career
Family Law