My age is the answer to this equation: 35+9=? How old am I?
How many people are in my family?
What is the hobby that I do to help me relax?
salty snack made from potatoes that crunches when you eat it
potato chips
I was born in the city known as the Birthplace of the Blues. Also, Elvis' home (Graceland) is there. What is the name of the city?
My shoe size is 9x1=? What size shoe do I wear?
How many children do I have?
What hobby do I share with my family?
listening to music
juicy, red fruit with green exterior that is most often found in summer
One of my favorite songs is on the Madagascar 2 soundtrack. It is by Will.I.Am and it is about the size of the animals. What is it?
Big and Chunky
The number of pets I have is the answer to this equation 680-680=? How many do I have?
How old is my daughter?
This hobby involves sitting at a table and having good conversation. What is it?
eating out at restaurants
creamy treat made using bacteria
yogurt (almond milk)
The church that I attend has the same name of the community in which it is located. What is the name of it?
Buckhead Church
The number of years that I have been teaching: 16+5= ?
My family's favorite holiday includes traditions of cookies and milk, decorating, presents, and a jolly man in a suit. What is it?
This hobby keeps me healthy and I do it outside in my neighborhood. What is it?
walking, jogging, exercising
sweet treat made with chocolate wafers filled with vanilla goodness
ice cream sandwiches (vegan)
My favorite season temporarily brings many beautiful colors on the trees. What is it?
The year I started teaching at Sarah Smith: 2,000 +9=?
What is one thing that I enjoy doing with my family?
listening to music, playing games
This hobby does not involve any activity...well you use your eyes to look at a box. What is it?
watching television
leafy, green vegetable that is sometimes used to make chips (I love it in a bowl with quinoa tofu, and sweet potatoes)
I do not eat meat from animals other than fish. What is the name of my diet?