What is one thing Miss Addyson does in her free time? (Think back to the beginning of the year, there is one specific thing I put in my get to know you slideshow)
Singing (or listening to music, babysitting, interning)
How many siblings does Miss Addyson have?
When is Miss Addyson’s birthday?
December 6th
What is Miss Addyson’s favorite coffee place?
Starbucks! (Extra points if you can guess my order)
What is Miss Addyson’s best subject?
Where does Miss Addyson intern after school?
How many pets does Miss Addyson have?
2! A fish and a dog!
What time of day was Miss Addyson born? (early morning, morning, afternoon, evening, night)
evening! I was born around 7:15pm
What is Miss Addyson’s favorite animal?
a giraffe
Who is Miss Addyson’s favorite teacher? (Think back to the begining of the year)
Mrs. Losey (or my English teacher)
What was Miss Addyson’s favorite hobby when she was in 5th grade?
All things art and crafts
What is Miss Addyson’s dogs name?
What year was Miss Addyson born?(Hint: 2024-17)
What is Miss Addyson's favorite color
If Miss Addyson had to choose one food to eat for the rest of her life, what would it be?
Mac and cheese
What sport did Miss Addyson play?
None, I was never a sports kid!
How many cousins does Miss Addyson have?
20! 3 on my moms side and 17 on my dads!
How old is Miss Addyson turning today? (Hint: 2024-2007)
What is Miss Addyson’s favorite color of jewelry?
all gold jewelry
If Miss Addyson had to rank the seasons (summer, winter, spring, fall), what would the order be?
1. Fall, 2. Spring, 3. Summer, 4. Winter