How many kids does Ms. Bauer have? What gender are they?
How many years has Ms. Bauer been teaching?
13 years
What is the name of Ms. Bauer's boyfriend?
Ms. Bauer's favorite energy drink?
Ms. Bauer's best friends name is...
How old is Ms. Bauer? When is her birthday?
38, April 9th.
Where is Ms. Bauer's other job?
Indoor soccer center
How tall is Ms. Bauer?
5 foot 1 and 1/4
One of Ms. Bauer's favorite TV shows?
Friends or Greys Anatomy
Ms. Bauer's most favorite chore to do is...
vacuuming or sweeping
Where did Ms. Bauer grow up?
Seattle area of Washington
What college did Ms. Bauer play soccer at?
Concordia University in Portland, Oregon
What is Ms. Bauer's dream car?
VW Passat circa 2006
Ms. Bauer's favorite place to shop.
Ms. Bauer hopes to NEVER have this type of pet because she does NOT like them and had a pet of this type growing up named Princess.
How many siblings does Ms. Bauer have?
2 - 1 older brother and 1 younger sister
Where did Ms. Bauer teach before Elevate?
What is a chore that Ms. Bauer absolutely HATES doing?
unloading the dishwasher
Ms. Bauer's favorite sport to watch?
Ms. Bauer's parents live in this state.
What are the names of Ms. Bauer's kids?
Brinnley, Holly, Aly
How many degrees does Ms. Bauer have in total? BONUS: can you name ALL of them?!
3 total - Bachelors, Masters, Educational Specialist
Ms. Bauer had a nickname growing up... what was it?
Ms. Bauer's favorite thing to do?
Practical Magic