How many siblings does Ms. Denise have?
How old is Ms. Denise
What was Ms. Denise's favorite subject in school?
English (not anymore) now its nothing
Has Ms. Denise ever broken a bone?
Dutch Bros or Starbucks?
Dutch Bros
Is Ms. Denise the oldest, middle child, or youngest?
middle child
What zodiac is Ms. Denise?
Did Ms. Denise play sports in school?
1. Soccer
2. Softball
3. Flag football
4. Field hockey
5. Track and field
Has Ms. Denise ever had surgery?
Ms. Denise's favorite movie (not animated)
The notebook, La La Land, anything that makes me cry
Does Ms. Denise have pets?
Yes! a dog named Nala :)
I also live with an evil cat
What is Ms. Denise's favorite color?
What is Ms. Denise's favorite sport?
To play baseball/softball
To watch football
what does Ms. Denise want to do as a career?
a speech pathologist
What is Ms. Denise's favorite Disney Princess
Princess Tiana
When is Ms. Denise's birthday?
September 24th (turning 21 this year)
what is Ms. Denise's favorite football team?
What is Ms. Denise's favorite food (there is a couple so guess one or guess all)
Mexican food, sushi, pasta
hint: name of a store at the mall that starts with an "H"
Hollister, CA
What school does Ms. Denise go to?
Sacramento State University
What is Ms. Denise's major?
Child Development
What are Ms. Denise's favorite fast food? (there's a couple)
Taco bell, chick FIL a, wingstop, chipotle
Ms. Denise's dream vacation
Greece or Mexico