what are my allergies
Nickel and Watermelon
what is my zodiac sign
what is my biggest fears
snakes,dogs,hight and bee's
who does my hair
briaaaaaaa my favorite
who is my bestfriend
what condition was I born with
what is my least favorite season
spring my allergies act up
when is my birthday
September 11 2013
who is my bf
have a crush
what is my favorite grade
5 and 6
what is my birth month
who is my favorite person in this house
bria she's so nice and sweet and tell me the tea
who do I annoy the most
Man man
who is my least favorite rapper
Rod Wave
name 1 of my siblings
your choice
am I a early baby perfect timing baby or late baby
perfect timing baby
who are my 3 teacher's
christie malires Carrie smith Paula phillips
what is my favorite pj outfit
what is my favorite arcade place
main event
what is my favorite sport
what season was I born in
what is my favorite shoe brand
who is my favorite rapper
NBA YoungBoy never broke again
what is my favorite number