How many grandchildren does O have?
How many years has O been an English Inspector?
28 years
... on her day off. (Ha Ha)
Drink coffee and shop shop shop
Favorite food
Pasta and bread.
What pet peeve does O have about parking?
No parking after 7:30 at the office!
What kind of doctors are O's two sons?
Gynecologist + family doctor
What event brought O the most smiles?
Receiving the Award of Excellence for Inspectors
with Manal her right hand woman?
work on a project at hand and chat chat chat.
Favorite Vacation Spot
Italy: Amalfi Coast
What bugs O the most in the office?
Surprises (unexpected tasks) that fall from above on her head!
What famous dish does O make that her family loves?
Stuffed grape leaves
Who talked O into "the job"?
Andrei her husband
What makes O laugh the hardest?
Ask her now!!!
Favorite Clothing Shop
Anne Fontaine
What bugs O the most at home?
Bugs!!! And a messy home even though it is never messy!
Where did O meet her husband?
Through his sister at Oranim
An educator O admires.
The one and only Tziona.
... before she falls asleep?
Netflix netflix netflix!
Favorite Fellow Inspector
Definitely Aviva!!
What food would O never touch?
Stuffed intestines and stomach too.
What is a family tradition on O's favorite holiday?
Christmas - good chocolate and Christmas carroling.
Most annoying moment at a ministry event?
The Spelling Bee Debacle
..with her daughter?
Drink coffee and shop shop shop!
Hair Stylist: Ronit , Rita, or Haneen?
Rita! She's the best!
What annoys O when she travels?
The luggage not arriving on time!