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Office Space
Rockin' Robb-in
The Family Guy

Robb was assigned to work with Adriana on this pillar during Allstate's CCPA readiness work.

What is Pillar 6?


This team will lose its last (and only) member with Robb's departure.

What is the Strategic Resource Group (SRG)?


Robb wore this article of clothing WAYYYYY too long - and despite the fact it's no longer functioned to serve it's intended purpose.

What is his jacket - with a broken zipper that he wore for 3 YEARS!?


This is the name of Robb's wife.

Who is Helean?


Robb's could frequently be found at this location in Northbrook's cafeteria - it was and continues to be his lunch of choice.

What is the salad bar?


During Robb's GDPR work, Kris DiGirolamo convinced Robb this term was defined and included in the GDPR regulations

What is Nominal?


Robb's zoom box would often light up on calls, even though he was not speaking.  What piece of office equipment did Robb claim would be making this noise?

What is his headset?


What title was Robb given during his time on the Risk Management team?

What is "Happiness Guru"?


Robb's oldest child - a cute little girl - was named after which musician.

Who is Duke Ellington?


When not having his usual lunch, Robb's favorite place to grab lunch here.

What is Pita Inn?


During the Pillar 6 CCPA work, a slide deck containing a typo almost made it's way into several officer communications before Robb identified the error.  The slide in question was intended to reference a 3-pronged approach. What did this slide originally say?

What is a 3-prawn approach


This event caused Robb to cower and hide under his desk as seen in this picture. 

What is the Active Shooter Training in Nortbrook F-tower in June 2019?


Robb declared his love for this basketball player during last year's white elephant game by selecting a T-Shirt featuring this player for his gift? 

Who is Lou Williams?


When Robb was a teenager his older brother coined this phrase to describe him.

What is "unsafe at any speed"?

This phrase is used almost daily by Robb to assure people they are living up to their potential.

What is, "You're doing great"?

We will also except, "so if you could just venmo me, that would be great."


Robb co-led, then inherited leadership of this initiative involving the sharing of information across legal entities? 

What is the Data Sharing Clearinghouse project?

In an effort to expand his real-estate footprint, Robb tried to turn Adriana's desk into what space? 

What is the "privacy annex"?


During early days of covid, when several EBC/IL members were gifted hats, etc. Robb was gifted a getup resembling which covid-famous individual? 

Who is the Tiger King?


Robb's entire family is fluent in this language and uses it often to communicate in an effort to exclude Robb.

What is Korean?


When onboarding Robb to Allstate, Robb was asked to provide a photo for his announcement.  He provided a picture of him wearing a baseball cap with what phrase?

What is "F*** Y'all"?


Legal questions about this National General partnership would continue to plague Robb despite his efforts to avoid involvement?

What is the Good Sam/Camping World partnership


Robb had a single sheet of paper hanging on his cubicle wall with what saying?

What is The proper pronunciation of “leverage” is “use.”?


Instead of succumbing to the peer pressure of purchasing a peloton, Robb chose to continue using what piece of exercise equipment?

What is a 1970s era lime green schwinn bike?


Robb frequently would vacation La Quinta (Palm Springs area). He claimed it wasn't to audition for reality tv shows, apply to Google or Facebook, but rather to visit which family member?

Who is his Dad?


Robb would ask this question, anytime Courtney's name would come up in an informal meeting.

What is "did she ask about me?"
