Your School Counselor
School Counseling
School Counseling Again
More School Counseling Stuff
Ms. Stein

What is your school counselors name?

Ms. Stein


True or False: School counselors do not like to help students.



True or False: I am in big trouble if I have to see the school counselor?

False! Students are not in trouble when they have to see Ms. Stein. In fact, Ms. Stein does not "tell on you" if you share that you've broken a rule. Remember- confidentiality.


Can Ms. Stein help resolve problems with myself and a friend?

Yes. She can help you one-on-one, or ask your friend to join us. 


True or False: Ms. Stein only wants to help a few students that she really likes.

True or False: Ms. Stein only wants to help a few students that she really likes.


True or False: Your school counselor's office is located in room 313?

False. Your school counselor's office is located in Room 307 across from the nurse's office.


True or False? Teachers and parents may request that the counselor invite a student in for an individual counseling session.



True or False: You can come into Ms. Stein's office any time you want. 

False: If her door is open, and your teacher knows where you are, then you can come. But, those two things MUST be followed.


What does Ms. Stein not do?

Judge you

Punish  you

Tell you what to do

Solve all of your problems for you

Tell your parents and teachers everything you say


Where does Ms. Stein live?



How many years has Ms Stein worked at OLG?

This is Ms. Stein's 5th year as a school counselor OLG. 


Yes or No. Ms. Stein is allowed to tell your teacher and friends what you talk about in her office.

No! What you tell Ms. Stein will stay with her unless you are in danger, someone else is in danger, or you give her permission to share with others. This is known as confidentiality. 


What are these groups Ms. Stein has all about? 

We meet in small groups of under 10 students to talk about feelings, life, family changes, friendship, etc. 


True or False: The School Counselor will only meet with students the teacher asks her to.

False: Ms. Stein meets the needs of all students.


When is Ms. Stein's Birthday?

December 10th!


What days of the week is the counselor at my school?

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. NOT Wednesday.


Name some things you may want to talk about to the school counselor.

Your feelings. Your worries. Friends. Family. School. 


True or False: Ms. Stein practices skills and handling new/scary/awkward situations with you, if you want?

True: ALWAYS happy to help practice, talk about and walk through things with you until they feel comfortable


What is confidentiality?

Ms. Stein doesn't share what you say unless:

Someone is hurting you

You want to hurt yourself

You want to hurt someone else

You give me permission to share


What is Ms. Stein's dog's name?



What are two things Ms. Stein likes to do in her free time?

I love drinking coffee, reading, celebrating my birthday, hosting parties, traveling, and hanging out with friends and family


What are the three main ways Ms. Stein works with students?

Classroom visits, one-on-one and groups.


How do you set up an appointment with Ms. Stein?

Ask your teacher, your parents, or Ms. Stein.

 E-mail her.

 If your teachers allow it, and her door is open, you can swing by her office to chat.


True or False: Ms. Stein will come into your room and talk about boring things?

False: She tries to make it fun when she comes in, even if you feel the topic might be "boring".


What is Ms. Stein's favorite food?

Tacos and ice cream. 

And coffee will count- even if it isn't "food" :) 
