What type of pillow is best for sleep??
it depends !
Find one that is right for you
What is something helpful for you to wind down before bed
*personal experience
What is something you should avoid drinking before bed?
Caffeine and alcohol
Naps throughout the day are helpful for getting sleep back on track
False- naps longer than 20 minutes or for some people all together can decrease your sleep drive continuing the cycle of struggling to fall asleep that night
Are sleep and mental health related?
Yes! there is a reason that "getting up on the wrong side of the bed" is a saying- this connects the relationship with mood/emotions and sleep (or lack there of)
What temperature is best for sleeping?
cold, cool, warm, or hot
how long is a recommended wind-down time
How many hours are recommended for Teens (13-17 yo)
8-10 hours!
True or False: Medication is the only way to improve sleep
What is a smell associated with sleepiness?
What are some smells that help you sleep? Freshly washed sheets, rain, essential oils?
How long is it recommended to not be on your phone before bed?
1-2 hours
Does the sun affect your sleep?
Yes having direct daylight during the day can increase your sleep drive- increase your ability to fall asleep
Exercise any time throughout the day is helpful for sleep
A regular excercise routine can help contribute to improved sleep. It is best to workout at least 3 hours before your bedtime. Cortisol a hormone that makes us alert (opposite of sleepy) is released when exercising.
What is a supplement sometimes used to try and increase drowsiness at bedtime
Melatonin (talk to your doctor before adding this to your routine )
What sounds can be helpful or unhelpful when trying to sleep
Helpful- white noise
Unhelpful- loud noises, noises/new information that gets your brain working
What bedtime snacks should be avoided?
Citrus fruits, spicy food, or fried foods.
These can be tough on your digestive system and trigger indigestion.
What is the bedroom for?
Sleeping and Intimacy !
Having your pet in bed always increases your quality of sleep
False: though sometimes sleeping with a pet can foster falling asleep- this is not always the case. Some pets are restless and interrupt our sleep cycle resulting in us only being in light sleep- not entering into rem (restful sleep)
What are some signs of not getting restful sleep
Tired, fatigued, decreased attention and concentration, memory, decreased mood.
What are some things that affect sleep that involve our sense of sight? (helpful or unhelpful)
Lightness of room- blinds, sleep mask, phone face down
What do some people write in before bed to decrease worry thoughts when trying to sleep?
Worry time list.
Dedicated time to worry about the worries we think of before bed for the next day.
Bullet point list before 1 hour of falling asleep to remember what you need to worry about tomorrow
What form of meditation is encouraged for helping in falling asleep
Mindfulness meditation
Mindfulness is ‘an intentional act of present-moment awareness without attachment to an outcome’. It includes elements of awareness, circumspection (being watchful about your thoughts) and self-compassion. Some key qualities, or principles, in practicing Mindfulness include non-judgement, patience, non-striving, letting go, acceptance (but not giving up) and trusting yourself (see below).
You should keep trying to fall asleep even if you are not able to for an hour
False- if you are not able to fall asleep within the first 20 minutes, it may be helpful to begin a relaxing activity (reading a book that isn't new to you, listening to relaxing music, or taking a warm shower).This breaks the cycle of being frustrated or worried about sleep in your bed.
What mental health diagnosis are affected by sleep?
All !