Ice cream sandwich or ice cream cone
Ice cream sandwich
Which magazines did she collect as a teen?
Ebony or Jet or Essence
What is her favorite ice cream flavor?
Butter pecan
What is her favorite breakfast treat?
Peanut donut or apple fritter
Who was her childhood best friend?
Favorite drink
European soda (frizzante)
What did she use to collect as an adult?
Wine glasses or salt and pepper shakers
What is her favorite restaurant?
Cheesecake Factory
What is her favorite scent?
Apple Pie
What was her favorite subject in school?
Chocolate or candy
What does she currently collect?
Name her favorite sweet snack and salty snack:
Sweet: Nutterbutters
Salty: Cashews
What is her favorite season?
What did she originally want to be when she grew up?
Beach or Lake
If she had the space what would she collect again?
Wine glasses
What is her favorite thing to do?
Listen to music
What is her favorite office supply?
How old was she when she first moved to NY?
Cake or Pie
What did she collect as a teen?
Teddy or clowns
Name the following favorites:
Favorite current series:
Favorite old TV show:
Favorite movie:
Favorite current series: The Chosen
Favorite old TV show: Big Valley
Favorite movie: Parent Trap
Who is her favorite author?
Paul David Trip
Where did she vacation when she lived in the Bahamas as a kid?