Once it’s finally spring, the days get......
During springtime, many people like to do “ ,” where they do extra chores and get rid of clutter.
spring cleaning
This big and strong mammal will be awake once the winter season is finished.
In the North Pole, the spring equinox marks the start of six months of
No nighttime!!
The first day of spring is not always the same day. But it’s always in the middle of....
People plant trees on this day....
Arbor Day
These insects return back from Mexico in the spring. What are they?
Day light savings time sets clocks forward by an hour in springtime. What 2 U.S. states do not have Daylight Savings Time?
Arizona and Hawaii
When it’s spring in the northern hemisphere, it is what in the southern hemisphere!
You might hear people say they have “ .” It doesn’t mean they are sick.
spring fever
Baby birds "do this" the same way children learn to talk. They listen and learn from adults.
learn to sing
The coming of spring coincides with what other celebration in China?
The Chinese New Year
The first day of spring is called the....
vernal equinox
These famous trees bloom only in spring and produce pink flowers....
Cherry Blossoms
Why are birds more vocal in the spring?
To attract a mate.
What are the 3 spring zodiac signs?
Aries, Taurus, and Gemini
What is the full moon in March called...
“Full Worm Moon.”
The ground thaws, and extra rain encourages worms to come above ground.
What is the saying "April Showers, bring May ______"
If dear is the divine of the forest, then "this" is to the water. A symbol of love and peace brought to you by spring.
This falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon of the spring equinox.