The group chat that had 5 people and used to talk 24/7
What is Slices of Baloney
The majority gender of Taryn's waifus and husbandos
What is female
Taryn's favorite musical
What is Hamilton (an American Musical)
Taryn's favorite ethnicity of food (i.e. Indian, Greek)
What is Amurican
Most of Taryn's Funko Pop collection is from this series
What is Harry Potter
True or False: Taryn has more family members than friends on her contacts
What is false
Name 3 of Taryn's all-time waifus
What is (answer varies)
Taryn's current Discord profile picture is from what video game franchise
What is Dang It Grandpa (double points if you said Danganronpa)
The chocolate Taryn likes to call "Rich People Chocolate"
What is Ferrero Rocher
The series that Taryn has the most merchandise from
What is My Hero Academia
The main reason Taryn won't respond
What is running errands/shopping
True or False: Taryn's most expensive Mudae character is Tetsurou Kuroo
What is False
Taryn's favorite Webtoon
What is Mage & Demon Queen
Taryn's favorite fast food restaurant
What is In-N-Out
The studio name of the movies Taryn is starting to collect
What is Studio Ghibli
Name 3 of Taryn's most used emojis
What is (answer varies)
The Phineas and Ferb character Taryn claims to be "a total hottie"
Who is Balloony
Taryn spent 2 hours sewing a top hat for her what
What is her Otamatone
Taryn's favorite fruit
What is tangerines
The amount of vinyl records Taryn owns
What is 2
The one friend contact that has their actual name "instead of some weird names like freaking uhh Bald James Charles"
Who is Paola
Besides Rarity, Taryn's top waifu from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Who is Sunset Shimmer
The anime Taryn is currently watching
What is Demon Slayer
The way Taryn likes her potatoes (i.e. scalloped, boiled)
The amount of mangas Taryn owns
What is 13