What song is the opposite of "Highway to Hell"
What is "Stairway to Heaven"?
What game about a yellow half circle was released in 1980
What is Pac Mac?
What Famous movie was about fight ghost
What is Ghostbusters?
"Power Dressing" included this item in the outfit
What was the name of ETs favorite candy?
What is Reese's Pieces
What popular meme song came out of the 80s
What is Never Gunna Give You Up?
This card game consist of colorful cards including "draw 2" and "skip"
What is Uno?
This movie Famously has the quote "Nobody puts baby in the corner"
What is Dirty Dancing?
In addition to hair metal and perms, this was another hair style popular in the 80s
What is the Mullet?
What fizzy drink was all the rage
Finish the lyric "Every breath you take and every move you make..."
"Every bond you break Every step you take I'll be watching you"
This company's slogan was "now you're playing with power!"
What is Nintendo?
To what year does Marty Mcfly get sent back to in original Back to the Future?
What leg accessory was notorious in the 80s
what is leg warmers?
What food was know to be messy
What are Sloppy Joes
What is Michael Jackson?
The best selling game of the 80s
What is Super Mario Brothers?
This 1989 Disney movie grossed $84M
What is The Little Mermaid?
What pair of jeans dominated closets of 80s teens
What is acid-washed jeans?
What food became famous because of The Breakfast Club
What is Sushi?
The lead singer of Def Leppard
Who is Joe Elliott?
What tabletop adventure game became popular in the 80s
What is Dungeons and Dragons?
This 1982 movie was the highest grossing film of the decade. It was out of this world.
What is E.T.
These shoes became immediately associated with the punk movement
What are Doc Martens?
Stouffer's released this diet line of frozen dinners in 1982
What is Lean Cuisine?