What was the time she was born?
What is 8:26 AM
How many letters are in my name
What is 6
Fizzy, "cola"
What is Coke
Stick, ball...
What is lacrosse
What do I listen to more...
What is talk radio
What time did mom's water break?
What is 2:00-3:00
I'll take one or the other
Where is my name from?
What is Irish
Bread, + mayo...
What is turkey
Keys, screen...
What is computer
Cold, white...
What is snow
What did mom crave the most? (the thing I LOVE most)
What is PB & J
What does my name mean?
What is fire for firey
Square, + salty, + orange..
What are Cheese it's
Strings, bow, sheets on a...
What is violin
What do I prefer to do...
What is relax and read
Who are Grandma Char and Papa
Why did mom and dad pick this name?
What is, "this is a really unique name and because we are teachers and we have never has a Keegan,"
What is Oreo or M&M yogurt
Paper, cover, title...
What is books or reading
I like to be creative with...
What is legos
How long was I gone from mom before she got to hold me?
What is 2 hours
Why is my name good and bad?
What is Because it is so special
What is because I know another Keegan
Fizzy, in a can, has it's own sweatshirt
What is Poppi
Comfy, eyes...
What is sleeping
Sometimes I will...
What is watch tv