What Type of Bird am I?
Blue Jay
Seagulls often steal food from people, but their natural diet includes this found in the sea.
This giant bird flies HIGH in the sky looking for fish or small mammals to eat. It has a white head and a yellow beak.
Bald Eagle (will accept eagle)
What type of bird has a RED head?
I would also accept woodpecker
The Robin, known for its beautiful red chest, eats what 2 things out of the ground
bugs & worms
NOT all birds can be found in the sky! Can you name one bird that CAN NOT FLY!!
Penguins, Ostriches or Emus
What Type of Bird an I?
Parrots and toucans Love to eat this sweet, juicy food that grows on trees.
These birds fly in a V formation during migration to reduce wind resistance and help the whole flock use less energy!
Geese, Swans or Ducks
I have a beautiful tail that will fan out as tall as an adult?
i am a peacock!!
Hummingbirds use their long beaks to sip this sweet liquid from flowers.
Better look quick! These tiny wings flap so fast they can even fly backwards!
I am actually a mammal and NOT a bird but I can still fly.
I can hibernate in the winter
you can find me in caves, barn, attics or even sometimes churches?
Why do Woodpeckers do this?
looking for food or
Telling other birds that this is their area of the forest
This silent hunter flies through forests at night, looking for small animals to eat.
Bonus clue- I can turn my head around backwards!